

[Enforcement Date 21. Mar, 2017.] [Act No.14634, 21. Mar, 2017., Partial Amendment]




Article 1 (Purpose) 

The purpose of this Act is to protect the rights of authors and the rights neighboring on them and  to promote fair use of works in order to contribute to the improvement and development of  culture and related industries. 

Article 2 (Definitions) 

The terms used in this Act shall be defined as follows:10807, Jun. 30, 2011; Act No. 11110, Dec. 2, 2011; Act No. 14083, Mar. 22, 2016>  

1. The term “work” means a creative production that expresses human thoughts and emotions; 

2. The term “author” means a person who creates a work; 

3. The term “public performance” means to present to the public works, performances,  phonograms or broadcasts by acting, musical playing, singing, narrating, reciting, screening,  playback or other means, including transmission (excluding interactive transmission) made in  the connected premises in the possession of one and the same person; 

4. The term “performer” means a person who gives a stage performance by expressing works  through acting, dancing, musical playing, singing, narrating, reciting or other artistic means or  by expressing things other than works in a similar way, including a person who conducts,  directs or supervises a stage performance; 

5. The term “phonogram” means the medium in which the sound (referring to voice or sound; the  same hereinafter) is fixed (including a digitalized sound): Provided, That excluding the sound  fixed along with images; 

6. The term “phonogram producer” means a person who makes an overall plan and takes charge  of producing an original phonogram;





