

Act Against Unfair Competition in the version published on 3 March 2010 (Federal Law  Gazette I p. 254), as last amended by Article 4 of the Act of 17 February 

2016 (Federal Law  Gazette I p. 233)  



Chapter 1 

 General provisions  

Section 1 

 Purpose of the Act  

This Act shall serve the purpose of protecting competitors, consumers and other market  participants against unfair commercial practices. At the same time, it shall protect the  interests of the public in undistorted competition.  

Section 2  


(1) Within the meaning of this Act the following definitions shall apply: 

 1. “Commercial practice” shall mean any conduct by a person for the benefit of  that person’s or a third party’s business before, during, or after, the conclusion of athe procurement of goods or services, or with the conclusion or the performance of a  contract concerning goods or services; “goods” shall be deemed to include immovable  property as well, and “services” also rights and obligations;  

2. “Market participant” shall mean, in addition to competitors and consumers, any  person who supplies or demands goods or services;  

3. “Competitor” shall mean any person who has a concrete competitive  relationship with one or more entrepreneurs supplying or demanding goods or services;  

4. “Communication” shall mean any information that is exchanged or passed on  among a finite number of participants via a publicly accessible electronic communications  service; this shall not include information that is passed on to the public as part of a  broadcasting service via an electronic communications network, so far as such  information cannot be linked with an identifiable participant or user receiving it;  

5. “Code of conduct” shall mean an agreement or set of rules which defines the  conduct of entrepreneurs who have undertaken to be bound by the code in relation to  business sectors or individual commercial practices, without such obligations having been  imposed by statutory or administrative provisions;  

6. “Entrepreneur” shall mean any natural or legal person engaging in commercial  practices within the framework of his or its trade, business, craft or profession and  anyone acting in the name of, or on behalf of, such person;  



1.德国反不正当竞争法 英.pdf



