

 [Enforcement Date 18. Oct, 2018.] [Act No.15579, 17. Apr, 2018., Partial Amendment] 




Article 1 (Purpose) 

The purpose of this Act is to contribute to developing industries by protecting  designs and promoting the use thereof and encouraging to create designs. 

Article 2 (Definitions) 

The terms used in this Act shall be defined as follows:  

1. The term "design" means a shape, pattern, or color of an article [including parts of an article  (excluding those defined under Article 42) and fonts; the same shall apply hereinafter], which  invokes a sense of beauty through visual perception; 

2. The term "font" means a set of characters (including those in the form of numerals, punctuation  marks, and symbols) made in a style with common characteristics for recording, marking, or  printing; 

3. The term "registered design" means a design accepted for design registration; 

4. The term "design registration" means either registration of an examined design or  partially-examined design; 

5. The term "registration of an examined design" means that an application for design registration  is registered only when the application successfully passes an examination as to whether it  meets all requirements for design registration; 

6. The term “registration of a partially-examined design” means that a design is registered if an  application successfully passes an examination as to whether it meets only some of the  requirements for design registration; 

7. The term "working of a design" means producing, using, assigning, renting, exporting, or  importing an article that involves a design, or offering to assign or rent such article (including  displaying an article for assigning or renting; the same shall apply hereinafter).





